Products + Services

Our Art Scanning Process
We offer a variety of scanning services meant to fit your individual output and budget needs.
1) Tell us about your scanning and printing needs. We offer consultation.
2) Drop off your artwork at one of our locations: Los Angeles, Westlake Village, and Ventura.
3) We give you an estimate.
4) We scan your artwork.
5) You approve the scan.
6) We give you a digital file in a format of your choice (cloud, flash drive, hard drive, etc.)
Please ask us for an estimate for your scanning project -- we're happy to offer our insights where needed.
Call 310-736-1001 or email us at lacopy@cybercopyusa.com.
Scanning Options

Ideal for small artworks, photographs, negatives, and archival documents. Flat paper media only, non-reflective medium. Media up to 8.5"x11".
Starts at $24 per scan
Choose Preferred Resolution
300-400 dpi...............$24 per scan
600-720 dpi...............$36 per scan
800-1200 dpi.............$48 per scan
2400 dpi....................$60 per scan
3200 dpi....................$72 per scan
4800 dpi....................$84 per scan
6400 dpi....................$96 per scan
9600 dpi..................$110 per scan
12800 dpi................$144 per scan

Great for quick archival, template, or process work. Affordable fair quality scans. Flat non-textured, non-reflective media only.
Starts at $7.50 per scan
Choose Preferred Resolution:
300 dpi...................$7.50 per scan
600 dpi......................$15 per scan
800 dpi......................$24 per scan
1200 dpi....................$34 per scan
2400 dpi....................$50 per scan
4800 dpi....................$74 per scan
9600 dpi....................$90 per scan
Additional Color Refinement
300-800 dpi scans:
$45 every 2 scans
1200-9600 dpi scans
$60 every 2 scans

For scans that require high resolution and superior color matching. Great at capturing textures and reflective surfaces. Media up to 10ft x 8ft.
Starts at $90 per scan
Choose from 3 options:
1) Standard Scan: $90 per scan
Best default color profile used to scan artwork.
2) Superior Scan: $165 per scan
Better color match to original by combining art scan, art color, and studio light data.
3) Optimal Scan: $275 per scan
Closest color match to original by combining art scan, art color data, and studio light data + modest manual adjustments.
Rencay 24k3 Scanning System
CyberCopy is currently the only company in the United States that owns a Rencay 24k3. It's the most advanced fine art scanner in the world -- widely used in museums and historic institutes in Europe and Asia -- providing the highest resolution and accurate color matching capabilities available today.
Works best for those who've struggled to capture the original color of their artwork.
The Rencay 24k3 looks like a camera, but acts like a scanner. It takes about 12 minutes to "scan" one artwork. Followed by several hours of post-production color-matching performed by an experienced and trained professional using proprietary software.
The Rencay 24k3 allows you to scan a large artwork without needing to digitally stitch multiple images together. We can scan artworks up to 10ft x 10ft with the Rencay. For larger artworks, please ask if we may be able to accommodate them.
Other Scanning Services
We also offer Ultra LED Scanning (flatbed scanner) and Wide Format Scanning (roll-through scanner) -- best for small artworks, photographs, negatives, and archival documents. Not recommended for reflective or metallic medium.
Please consult with us on which scanner is best for your project.